Exploration work completed prior to acquisition of the Property by EMIPA (Orvana) in 1996 is provided in Section 6.0. Descriptions of the majority of past exploration work have been publicly disclosed on previous SEDAR filings made by Orvana (e.g., Wright et al., 2009; Zandonai, 2013).
Exploration components done throughout the Don Mario Property, between 1996 and 2021 include:
- Regional airborne geophysics.
- Prospecting with line cutting and mapping.
- Soil, stream sediment, rock chip and trench sampling.
- Ground geophysical surveys of induced polarization (IP) and magnetometer surveys.
- Exploration reverse circulation (“RC”), and diamond, drilling.
EMIPA systematically expanded the coverage of prospecting, geochemical and geophysical surveying, trenching, and diamond drilling outward from the core of the Don Mario Property to include Las Tojas, Don Mario North, Don Mario South, Cerro Felix and La Aventura areas. Work focused on the northern and southern extensions of the Cristal Schist Belt, as defined by results of the regional airborne magnetometer survey carried out by Orvana.
In order to maximize the exploration potential of the 53,325 hectares available at Don Mario, new reprocessing and interpretation of historical geological data was completed in December 2020. As a result, a new comprehensive exploration program was launched in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021. Areas of interest will be subject to non-drilling exploration fieldwork during fiscal 2022.